Plan Creative, Work the Plan

Being creative is more than just inspiration and revelation. It takes more than just AHA moments and epiphanies to create works of arts, whether they are symphonies, novels, paintings, hit songs or whatever art you make. Being a successful creative means not just thinking up creative ideas, but making time for them, and then actually doing them. It takes... Continue Reading →

Get It Done!

So, you’ve waited all year.  This was going to be the year to get that song done, that project done. But then...COVID, or work, or whatever else happened. But, there is still time to get moving on what you felt you needed to do creatively in 2020. All you have to do is GET IT... Continue Reading →

The Joy of Creating

There’s often not a lot to be joyful about in this world these days. But we creatives have a refuge from this madness. And we are at our best when creating or sharing creative projects. Here's why...

How Real Change Begins

As we look out on a new year (and a new decade!) it is usually a time to think about change. What are your goals for this year? What things have you wanted to do in your life and 2020 is the time you want to go after them?

Embrace the Unique YOU!

One of the most common mistakes people make is tying to be like an artist that already exists, then wondering why the world doesn’t react to another version of that artist? Here's the answer to real success that no one else can have!

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